Just wondering what everbodys thoughts on filters is. Which do you believe is better and why. I myself am currently running two back hangers on a 75 gal and they do the job just fine, but as of late ive been thinking about switching to a cannister..... Thanks for all input

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for that size of tank..canister is the way to go.


HOB i would use for smaller tank under 20gallon. Anything bigger I anint running two filter when a canister can do as much and more for the cost of two HOB combine.


i have a cousine who run two penguine on his 75g...until i say dude ..what a waste..


get a canister filter for that large size tank...months later they switch and he loves it.

what is a good, dependable brand of cannister filters


i have use SunSun, Eheim classic, Fluval 05 series...


all are very good...check my youtube for a quick setup and demo

for the size of tank I would go for a fluval 405 canister

canisters are better in so meny ways less mess hanging on your tank more media can be used less noise less electricity compared to 2 hang on the backs

I have a 305 on my 240L 55 gallon and it's great

don't forget..you can go without cleaning for 3 or more months.. :)


and save u alot of money

yeah and you don't have to use spacific filter cartriges you have alot more choice and loose media is cheaper

usually I would give pros and cons but in my opinion ther is no cons lol

I run magnum 350 on my 40G along with whisper 200 HOB!!! I like them both!



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