I recently bought two Black Skirt Tetras and one is a little bigger than the other. And the bigger one is always chasing the smaller one. The small one has to hide all the time. whenever it comes out to eat the big one chases it away and never lets it eat. What should i do?

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Its usually good to have more than two Black Skirt Tetras in your tank. When I started to get back in into aquarium hobby a friend of my give me his three Black Skirt Tetras from his tank. At first these guys would pick on each other a lot, so after a few weeks I added three more and slowly they started to school. The aggression should clam down a bit after than.

When it come down to feeding time, put a bit of flakes on the top of the water for the big one to fed and with the current of your filter take a small pitch of food under water and let it go for the small one can fed as well. This should give some time for both of them to eat with bugging one another. 

Oh sweet! thanks a lot for the info! Really helped! =]
This topic doesn't look like dirt Convert section!
yeah sorry about that, mistake.
Yes get more make a school Atleast 6 or 7

at least 6 huh? Yeah cuz i got two more and one of them is still chasing everyone around.


They do better in a school.  Not sure of the size of your tank but I have 7.  There are VERY few fish I would ever recommend getting only two of.  In that small subset it's a male and female every time.  Good luck.  I know it stinks when you try and get everyone to get along after making a cool tank.



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