Hi, I have 4 Ranchus, and 2 Orandas in my 50g. Good filtrayion Fluval 305 and a Marineland Penguin for a 55-75. I want to dirt this tank and put some plants, but I have try before without dirt and they always eat the plants or pull them out :/ should I plant heavy or no plants at all? Should I take them out and let the plants grow nice roots for a month, and then put them back? 

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ur better off not even planting any plants but get plants that can be attach with driftwood or rocks.


I have a dojo who loves to uproots plants so the only option is attaching to driftwood.

So I sold my 46g and got me a 80 gallon bow front for my goldies :) its been with dirt and plants for two weeks and its doing great! 



are the Goldie digging the plants?



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