For my birthday I'm asking for a 20-30 gallon aquarium (probably a 20G though) and was thinking of doing a betta-only tank, females with a male because I'm like, obsessed with bettas (lol). It's also a lot easier to make all fish healthy with proper diet and water peremeters.


But what fish would you put in a 20G if it was a species tank?

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Be careful with that set up. Females can get nippy to the male and if the spawn then u will have a couple hundred bettas. Im obssesed with them as well and thought about greasing them. But females lay a couple thousand eggs and a time so even if a percent of them lived and grew up you will be quickly over run with bettas.
rainbows and killifish
yeah you might just want 1 male betta or maybe 2 or 3 females.



i just started a shell dweller tank last week on my 20 Long.. I have 3 neolamprologus similis in there...

I would recommend getting a shell dweller, because, the might seem boring... but they are pretty fun to watch... And like betta's each fish has a different personality!



Dwarf pecok rainbow are cool the have lot of personality  they have a rainbow body and red dorsal fins 



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