ive got a 25 gallon long planted and driftwood tank with 4 neons, 1 glolight, 1 angelfish, 2 yo yo loaches, and 1 flying fox

i wanna a put a bolivian ram in the tank but some sites say they'll eat the neons, and other sites say the flying fox is to rough for them?

german rams are out of question becuse my lfs dosent carry them and i dont think i could keep the tank water chemistry correct becuse im busy with school

petland has crown ruby chiclids i know there bolivian rams but i wanna be sure because there listed as aggressive. petlands manager insists there not rams and wants me to drop $50 on electric blue rams (not going to happen) the local pet shop has bolivian rams but there small and not to coulorful

please help :)


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yes you can put one ram into your tank no problem.


i seen EBR here go from anyway $20-40 each.


Just buy a baby/small ram and grown it out plus its cheaper...it will become beautiful as it grow with your high quality feeding.


bolivian ram goes by a few name..i seen them sold here as ruby crown ram.



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