i set up a 10 gallon tank in my living room and got 4 black phantom tetras, 3 goldline tetras and one pencil tetra. all my gold line tetras have died as of now and my water checks out just fine and all my other fish are fine and healthy. any explaination?

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could be there was something wrong with them before you bought them or maybe the move to the tank was just to much for them to handle?

"I set up a 10 gallon"


this a new tank? is it cycle?

My thoughts exactly.  You have to kick start the nitrogen cycle, and add only a few small fish at first.  let the nitrogen cycle get fully established before adding more livestock.  It is kind of something you get a feel for after a while.  You just added too many fish too fast IMO.
whats your set up like?

my set up is just a ten gallon with a canister filter, air pump, florescent lights, and a heater. i dont know whats wroung with it cause all my other fish do well:/

@hmoobthor, it is a new tank but i let the water run for a good time before putting fish in it and i treat all the water right so idk. idk wat cycle means.

you have to cycle the tank so the fish dont have to go through spikes in chemicals

ya..ur fish die because of ammiona spike and your tank isn't cycle...


you can check my YT channel on how to instant cycle the tank and put fish right in.

the thing is tho, when i set it up, i put in ammonia remover, dechlorinator and water conditioner. i also added a gallon and a half of water froma different fish tank that had been running for over a year(for the beneficial bacteria and such). i let the aquarium run for two days before i got fish and then got the fish and let them acclimate and then put them in my tank. the only ones that have died are my goldline tertras and thats after like 2 weeks so idk




Adding water from your other tank does nothing man! That is just waste water ur removing just like a water change.


You need the bacterial media to run on the new tank and don't run it without fish for for more than a day....they will dead without anything to eat on.


Guess u didn't check out my video for the full How To.

What I would have done is took some substrate from the old tank and add it to the new one.
I wouldnt add any more fish for atleast a month ... When I set up a new tank I expect a few to die I usually put hardy fish first to cycle the tank for atleast a month keeping a close eye on everything and then slowly add fish just 1 or two at the most at a time ..... Maintenance is the key even if the water is clear and the tank look clean DO water changes every week or every other and clean the gravel .



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