I have a 16 gallon tank with 2 gold gouramis a pleco and one very small bosmani rainbow, my question is would a rts be fine? would I need a bigger tank or less fish because of terrirtorial matters? would I need a cave or something?

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i would not add the shark....

thanks for the comment, if you did add anything what would it be and im not looking to go down the gourami path again


hmmm I have an itch to say that all these species of fish you have will grow way beyond the needs of a 16 gallon.  Depending on the pleco, if its a common one the 16 gallon itself cant meet the needs for the pleco. Rainbows need at least 30 gallons and need to be in schools.  Red tail sharks would like a 20 gallon if by itself.  The two gold gouramis would love the 16 gallon by themselves

the rainbow will need a 55g as they grow pretty large and need a school. some say a 75g is min.



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