I bought a jebo from the local fish store it came with two 55 watt 6500 k bulbs one is white and one is blue and I put them on my 37 gallon tall so that's almost 3 watts per gallon is this over kill ? Can this heat up my water? Will this kill my plants or fish ??? Alge??? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated 

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i think the blue light bulb is a bit high in the kevin scale over 6500k.


6500k is daylight.


Im not sure how they look in ur tank so i can't tell.


But with that high of a wattage...the tank might heat up a bit


Too much light will def cause algae boom

You think it would be fine with just the one white one 
I have a pic of the tank on my profile it's the 37 g 
That should be fine, I had a 70 watt on a 10 for a while and it was ok, I had it pretty high above the water though. But yeah if you had like 500 watts on a 55 gallon tank that would be overkill, so much so that you'd probably burn your plant's. You may have some algae problems with that much light but only time will tell, usually you get a big algae bloom at first but then it gets better as time goes on. Frequent water changes + Don't leave your lights on for more than 6-7 hours and you should be fine. If you get a huge algae bloom which you probably will, don't freak out and buy algae killing meds, cause those are really bad for your aquarium and a lot of times don't work.
You think I should run only one 55 watt ? I'm not to sure about the light spectrum on the blue one .... If you got a chance check out my pics the lights are on the 37 gallon 
That actinic (blue) bulb will grow mad algae. I had one on my 55g and my pleco loved all the extra food. He even quit eating the other foods that were offered in preference to the algae. I have since changed from power compact to 6500K T5 HO. I would probably run the one white bulb and see how that goes.You could get another bulb to replace the blue one. But, you may have to run co2 or suspend the fixture above the tank, to combat algae, if you run them both.
So you think it would be better not too run both lights even if there white .... What would you do just run the one white 55 watt I have pics on my profile it's the 37 gallon 

probably not a good idea...


I would look for a 6500k daylight bulb and a bulb for plants combine in that fixture.


Like Greg say...the actric blue light will grow mad algae with just it alone.

Have you read the thread about lighting? Might want to start there. There are some other good links for lighting info as well. American aquarium products I think is one. I know its in that thread.
I think after your guys help I got the wrong light I'm going to try to return it and get a t5 ho 
Im going to return it and get a t5ho off of amazon 
I checked your tank out. That's exactly how my algae farm looked. It's best to stay as low light as possible and still get good growth from the plants. Too much light or the wrong spectrum will grow algae. You might try a combination of 6500K (yellowish) and 10,000K (more white) . If algae becomes a problem, you can raise the fixture higher up from the surface or inject co2. High light tanks also require ferts to supply food for all the extra plant growth. Imho I would try one bulb first and see how that works for you. You can always add a tube if you don't get the results you are seeking. Low light is less work. K.I.S.S.= Keep It Simple Silly



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