tank is a 140 gallon show tank ( tall) its 28 inches tall...thats to bottom of tank not top of substrate...so i guess it would be 26 inches to top of substrate. I want live plants, and have been trying to figure out the lights needed. some people say " oh you need no less than2-3 watts per gallon" some say you dont need that much. I do have dirt,,,with a gravel cap, I need to know if (2) t5ho duel strips 54 watts per bulb...would be okay? 216 watts total its less than 1 watt per gallon...but according to Dustin....using a good substrate like DIRT...you really dont need a lot of light? what do you think?

Also should I get 10,000 k bulbs or 65,00K


Thanks for all advice

been working on this tank for 4 months!...lol

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i would go with 6500k and 800k or above combine
That's a lot of light.  I'm assuming it's a 4' tank with a 4' fixture.  One dual bulb T5HO should be plenty.  You should know if you are going for low light or high light requirement plants.  It's getting out of control with the WPG thing.  Anyone talking WPG that is not in a 1985 timewarp is out of it.  Read this. http://www.americanaquariumproducts.com/Aquarium_Lighting.html It's one of many articles about lighting that are out there.



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