My fish are hopefully recovering from ich im running a 55 gallon with 2 roseline sharks, 10 guppy ,4 red baloon ? ,6 silver molly and a couple cherry shrimp but one of the roseline sharks back fin is floating while his head is sinking i also lost all ten of my neon tetras during the treament for ich

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What are you using for a treatment?
I used "Nox-Ich"

are u using half the dose? neon are very sensitive to ick treatment hence why you lost all of them.


the shark seem to have internal problem...

No i didnt use half but the treatment is over and now the roseline is acting up what can i do to get him better
how long have u been treating it?
Directions said 3 days 

ick can stay in the tank for more than 3 days.


I treat mine for 2 week until i stop. Water change in between too.

roseline are still floating at backside and are darting should i restart ich treatment?
and you said internal parasites what can i do about that

good water change and limite feeding.


death is a possibility as it might not recovery.

Roselines are very pale



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