i currently have sand in my 10 gallon tank and i was thinking of doing a planted tank but what is better for plant growth sand or gravel because i heard that oxygen wont be able to enter the sand and the roots of the plant will die. I have petco black sand,cherry barbs and tank is cycled. Ps i also heard that gas pockets will build up in sand and can kill my fish because if this is the case im going to switch to gravel i dont want my fish to die. thanks for any answers.

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ur better off with eco complete if u want sand cuz that is a bit bigger than normal sand and is perfect for plant growth but since u already set up the tank... its up to you 

yea but eco complete is kind of expensive and either way my petco doesnt carry it which is odd so im thinking about natural gravel but what size do you reccomend for plant growth and im also dosing with api leaf zone.
If ur layer of sand isnt huge it shouldnt be a problem. If ur really worried just poke at ur substrate with a skewer or toothpick. If ur gonna change it n e thing works with plants. Sand gravel blasting sand flourite ada power sand dirt whatever u chose
yea but will plants grow well in sand because sand wont allow oxygen to get through so the roots will die.
Yes they will grow fine lots of ppl use sand in their tank. I have a planted tank with only sand. My plants are doing great
Also its only wen ur sand layer is huge were it compacts and creates anarobic bacteria
Oh ok but will plants grow better in sand or gravel?
but how does oxygen get into the plants roots in sand and do you use root tabs



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