first off srry if spelling is bad. I will also make a video review in a few weeks to show the plants progress.

you have most likely saw or heard of the top fin live plants at your local chain pet store (petco, petsmart, ect.)

but when i went to the internet all i found were very little reviews that were biased because alot of people would comment on how bad the plants were even thought they never tried them. They just say what other fish people say, kind of like what i think happens with odyssea. people would say there lights r cheap and not good, but most have probly never owned one of there lights, i have one and found it to be a very good light and cheap... so i decided to get some of the top fin plants and right a review. First off most plants i get come from my lfs, but they don't have a very wide rang of plants, but i make do. And some plants i never saw them have were anubias and java fern. And i heard that top fin had some of these in the live plant tubes, so i gave it a try.... first i will talk abought some things most people say before i get into my review.

1)They only sell semi aquatic plants and they rip u off = They do sell alot of semi aquatic plants however they had some that could stay fully submerged and do fine.

2) they dont label which plants r semi aquatic = They clearly labeled at my petco which were semi aquatic and which were not. right on top of the tube there would be a sticker that says "semi aquatic" on it if it is not. i think a while back they didn't use to label them but they are now. But i can only speak for my petsmart near me. i do not know abought other petsmart's or petco's. But the plants that i saw there that were safe for fish and could be submerged were : java fern, amazon sword, anubias... i have heard reviews that some stores have crypts but that was not the case at mine.

3) they r very over priced = well they were over priced some... but if u r like me and dont have a wide rang of plants near u, its worth it. The java fern was sold at 2 diffrent prices: the 4 inch java fern cost $3.99 u.s. dollars, with a stick on top that says "2-4 plants in side" and i got 3, but kept 2 and gave 1 to my brother. The 8 inch java fern cost $7.99 and also had a sticker that said 2-4 plants in side, but i did not buy this one.(i bought a tube of 4"java fern, a tube of 4" anubias, and a tube of 8" anubias). the amazon swords were basicly the same as the java fern in price. with the 4" sword costing $3.99 and the 8" sword costing $7.99 and both had stickers that said 2-4 plants in side. The anubias was diffrent. The 4 inch anubias cost $5.99 and didnt have a sticker on it. The 8 inch anubias cost $7.99 and didnt have a sticker on it, and i bought both anubiases and they only came with 1 in each, which i guessed because there was no sticker. But both were in good condition. Both plants had good roots on them. But i do not think they actually measure the plants, i think they just put the small ones in the 4 inch box and the larger ones in the 8 inch box. But there was still a BIG diffrence in the size of the plants between the 2 sizes.

4) the plants will rot when u put them in a tank becuase they were out of water = this i belive is false. in Amazon swords naturall habitat they spend many months of the year out of water due to the wet and dry seasons. And many farms that grow aquarium plants grow there anubias tied to something with there leafes above the water. The top fin plants r also packed in a non toxic fish safe jell that retains the water and will slowly release it. But when u do buy your plant u must look for one that has water collected on the inside of the tube so u know it is still moist. some of the plants have been there a while and have started drying out, becarful.

so all in all my plants r healthy and i like it. it was a little over priced, but when u cant find these plants around u like me its worth it. I will still rather buy plants for a tank were they are submerged in water. But dont rule this out even if u can buy from a tank, these r still good healthy plants and i think the pros out weight the cons. I will make a video in a few weeks to show the progress

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i just recently went to the new petco to check it out near me and say these tube plants, now i have heard a lot of bad feedback on these plants due to people getting non aquatic plants. for example i saw a plant labeled aqua fern, most people said their aqua fern was labeled as aquatic for some reason but didn't resemble java fern in anyway. What i do notice is now and then you do get a huge java fern in these! i got lucky and found one with a large java, even checked to make sure the scientific name was correct. It was on sale for 3$ so i couldn't resist. Weather it will grow good or not, since they are grown hydroponically in labs, i dont quite know. But if you see them and look up the scientific name stated and can identify the plant these are very good looking plants. 90% are junk from what it looked like though.

Want a simple, easy to grow plant that not only grow but may take over your tank? A water wisteria is the one. One plant has nearly filled my 90 gallon tank, I need to cut it regularly just to give the fish a place to swim.



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