im gathering all the equipment needed for a new tank i plan to set up in a week or so. Question is, is there any benefits in having a circulation pump other then making the fish more active?

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Increases water flow so plants can sway. Less algae

it helps move water evenly across your tank so there is no dead spot.


Make sure the pump is adjustable in case your fish are stress from the flow.

Ya I found some on eBay that swivel as well for $20 and I get it makes it so the water isn't stale. But will it really help with the health of the tank? Like will mixing all the nitrates up make them lower in a sense and make the water overall heathlier or is it for mor of the ascetics of a more natural flowing tank? If it's just ascetics of the tank I may still purchase one but if it makes maintaining the tank easier then it will be bought without thought.
I think the overall health of the tank is increased.  All the reasons brought up are correct.  I use and would recommend one.  Most tropical fish are in some form of current that is more than a filter output can provide.  It gives them a taste of their natural habitat.  My powerhead is positioned at the top of the tank in the same direction as the filter output.  My Harlequins love it and will swim up against the current, while the Apistos and GBR will stay underneath where there is less.



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