Hi folks - I'm new here and new to aquariums too. Just joined and am looking forward to learning a bunch from the people here...

I'm just in the process of setting up my first aquarium - 20 Gallon tall - been cycling for about 8 days now. Ammonia levels have settled down, plants are looking good and am getting ready to start thinking about fish etc.... I have T5 lights and a decent filter, substrate, driftwood, some nice plants etc...CO2 system is on the way....

Here's my problem - I haven't even added any fish yet but I already have tiny snails from the plants I put in. Does anyone have any advice about getting rid of them or at least keeping them in check...? I've been doing some research online - thinking about some assassin snails..? Good idea? Or...?? Maybe I should just live with them and pick them out as I go...?? What do you guys do?

Would love some advice!

Thanks everyone!


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I've tried dropping a leaf of lettuce in overnight.  Idea is they all crawl on and you take the lettuce out in the morning, didn't work.  Heard assassins work well, haven't tried.  Assuming they are ramshorns, they clean up the algae nice and only eat dead leaves on plants.  To control their population I am careful not to overfeed my fish, and do regular water changes to keep algae in control (their food source).  Have fun with your new set up, sounds sweet.

I try cucumber as the greens to get them out. They actually burrow into the cucumber. The method works great for me. U can add some loaches wen ur getting fish or assasin snails even tho u need lots of assasins to make a diff. U can dose copper if u never plan on keeping shrimp in the tank. They aint bad just look ugly

Having a few snails is never a bad thing unless you just don't like the loof of them.  I usually drop an algae wafer over night and in the morning pull out the snails swarmed over it.  If you break the shells they make a nice treat for fish.

Thanks everyone for the replies, much appreciated.  I guess controlling them rather than eradicating them is the way to go. I think I'll try the cucumber thing...



yeah once they are in there you might as well pretend to like them because eradicating them is pretty much an aquarium keeping urban legend...ive learned to cope with them; careful squishing them sometimes they break and go directly into your finger which is really quite painful. You can also try adding more snails you want to fight the population of the pest ones, there are some pretty cool looking snails out there. One of the only things that really bothers me about them anymore is one of the tanks ive had up for a year or two has an excessive amount of left over shells littering the substrate, like hundreds. And they are so light that they dont really vacuum out very well. Im not looking forward to solving that problem the tank has a lot of crypts that really really dont like being disturbed....

as long as the snails have something to eat they will not eat your plants so your good there. but if you really don't like them just start squashing them. also I feed my snail the top end of the zucchini or yellow squash they love it so you can bait them that way. they actually are entertaining and do a great job cleaning algae. also you can get some loaches to keep them in check. lots of loaches to choose from kuhli loach is one of my favorites. careful of dojo loaches when the get bigger they sometimes play in the substrate and accidently uproot plants you just planted

Thanks! Some good advice here. Much appreciated. I'll be squishing and baiting and am getting some assassin snails but I'll also have to learn to like my uninvited guests.


They havent harmed my tank. I encourage the snails to eat the leftovers at the bottom and eat off my dead leaves. Saves me trim time. Also...I take them out and feed them to my puffers in my brackish tank once they are all fattened up.

I actually go to my LFS and then let me pick the snails out of the plant tank for free.....So no complaints here.

Clown Loach Clown Loach Clown Loach.... lol....they do a great job of eating them. Mine did ok when I would catch snails and bring them in from the creek by my house but when I switched the loaches to another tank the snails took over to the point i took as many as i could out the rest were put along with the gravel into a bucket of boiling water... mean I know but i had THOUSANDS no joke.. so just try ur best to get them under control while you still can

Along with my Rummy Nose Tetras and Amano Shrimp I added four Assassin Snails to the tank. Those and some judicious squishing and I haven't seen a single uninvited snail in days. I'm sure there are still some in there - probably hiding from the Assassins but I'm very happy now.

I agree with Marissa if you want them gone clown loach is the way to go I had hundreds I got 2 clown loaches snails were gone I kept the loaches for a year they got huge no snails theve been gone for six months now and I have maybe 10 snails when the get out of control I will most definitely use the loach method if you want to control then cucumber or pea pods you can even submerge it in a jar that way you just pull the jar and all the snails are already in there on the veggies for you

If you already added assassin snails and amano shrimp I would keep away from adding loaches. I use a 1 inch diameter clear PVC with a 90 degree elbow. I put in tank standing upright and toss some algae wafers down in it, let it sit overnight or so, you'll know when being its clear, a simple DIY snail trap, rinse out with hot water and reuse when needed. Be sure to check for assassins or shrimp before rinsing out. I had/have both assassins and amanos in the tank I used trap in and never had a assassin or amano in trap not to say it won't happen.



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