my neon tetras hace ick i know neons dont like high temps and its a planted tank so salt is a no and i want to do it the natural way No Chemicals they are eating nls small fish formula so they are healthy to some extent thank you for your help

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Actually u find neons in the same waters as discus soo u can just raise temp to 86f and do wcs as much as possible. And hope the ich goes away on its own. And fish get ich wen they arent healthy just because food says it helps fishs health doesnt mean ull have healthy fish just feeding them that. Imo nls isnt as good a fish food for wht it costs.
so just raise the temp and do water changes? Also i chose nls because pellets have and holds more nutritional value
Yea raise temps and wc if want to do it naturally
i got my neons last wensday and they are not that active its been 3 days only a few of the out of the 7 have like 1 salt on their fins but are they always stressed out and inactive or will they become active soon what about ur neons do they swim throughout the tank?
My neons just scatter tru out the tank only school wen its feeding but mostly they are hiding
so they are not active fish because i was looking for an activr fish what about cardinal tetras in a ph of 7.6
is my light to bright or what because i really wanted active fish that swim throughout the tank
Light could be 2 bright my neons hang around shaded areas so it might be that
So neons are never active or should i get cardinals are they active?
They are active but wen cmfortable they just hang out
U can also mix cardinals with neons i did and they seem to school in open water more often but i might just be a coincident
i think my light is to bright because when i turn it on they hide and stay at the bottom but when it is off they swim activly and chase each other around what do i do its a planted tank so i need the light on



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