So I have a rimless, hoodless tank. I have 4 harlequin rasporas, 4 cherry shrimp, and 2 guppies. I have ludwigia, rotala, crypt spiralis, dwarf sag and red tiger lotus. The very first day I got the fish I found one raspora on the floor.... Anyone know how to keep them from jumping? I heard floating plants help. here are some pics



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I've never had a rasbora jump.  Might just be an isolated incident.

ya..ur gonna need a hood or you will see dried sushi everyday


Another way is to keep water lever low if u want

firstly nice tank mate

second rasporas are really bad for jumping mine used to bounce off the underside of my lid a few times per day lol

I have a cherry shrimp tank with no lid and rimless not lost a single shrimp , I would get some moss in there though cause they love it , it's good filter plant and they eat the tiny leaves , theres 8 neons and a guppy in the tank aswell none of then jump either

thanks for the advice man, and ill check out java moss. Wow, maybe ill check out some neons too haha well in the mean time i have plastic wrap over the top of my tank and none have been able to escape that haha but ill check out the java moss for sure dude thanks! oh and thanks on the complement by the way!


I don't have much filtration on the tank so a massive ball of java moss in the corner helps out,

infact I'v just done a big update video on it yesterday I'll heres a link

nice video man I really like your tank set up. The java moss looks nice! I was also trying to get my hands on some duckweed but cant find any right now.. thanks for the advice man, and again, nice tank


thanks mate , I can't get duckweed to grow in that tank lol thers been 3 or 4 bits floating for months now lol

if you wer from the UK I could have given you a load of moss it doubles in size every month so I give it to ppl I know

haha thanks man, yea the UK is pretty far haha well I'll keep a look out for some java moss and hopefully some duckweed! thanks man and good luck with your tank



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