New to the Planted Aquarium world but damn EXCITED about it!

I just planted my first Amazon Sword! I have black sand as my substrate because I did not know how into planted aquariums I would get. I would like any tips about them that anyone may have. Also, my next endeavor is planting an Anubias on a piece of driftwood.

                                              Thank you

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I added root tabs to my tank and in the morning I had a major ammonia problem. Are they related?

I would do a water change to be on the safe side, sounds like you have a similar size tank to myself and I do a weekly 25% change.

I havn't put any root tabs in my planted tank yet so if I am wrong someone correct me. From what I have read regarding root tabs is that some test kits show a false positive when using root tabs because they release ammonium which is used by the plants but is harmless to the fish. Lots of people use tabs so I wouldn't thought that they would upset the chemistry of your tank too much otherwise no one would use them.

I've been running my tank with lights on 8 hours a day (probably too long but no real big algae problems).

I am also using a liquid plant food twice a week at half the recommended dose (it says once a week so I've just divided the dose into two parts).

I'm just using a plain sand substrate, so nothing fancy (my next project going to be dirted though, really looking forward to that). Got really into the planted side of the hobby now and I've got to say it's a damn site easier than I though it would be.

This is my tank as it stands now. Still early days but growing well.

This is my 10g tank.

My Mopani driftwood is in the last stage of soaking to remove tannins so I am looking forward to adding that to the my tank and attaching a piece of Anubias.

I know the paper background picture is laughable to some, but for now I like it. Once my plants are grown in I'm sure I will have no need for it any longer. 

My last picture was missing the right side of my tank.

Finally added my Mopani driftwood to my 10 gallon. Addicted!

Nice tank

You want one of the easiest plants to grow?  Try a Water Wisteria, (hydor phila difformis)  I have it in my 90 planted in plain old gravel, no plant food, no CO2 just stick it into the ground and watch.  My lights are on only about 8 hours a day, I let the timer turn them off for about 6 hours during the day when we are not home, or the darn things will grow out of the tank.  I need to mow them down evert 2 weeks or so, it looks like a forest in there from a single plant.  I have given so much of it away to friends and they are pleased with it too. My fish love it, gives them a forest to swim through and my chemistry is perfect with a water change every 2 weeks or so.  Actually it looks like I could make a cutting today. 



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