I love having snails in my regular aquariums. I feel they do a great job scavenging and keeping my water quality up to par. Does anyone have snails in their planted tank? What species are safe to keep without destroying aquatic plants?

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I keep zebra nerites and some ramshorn snails in my planted tank without problems.
Definitely nerite snails, they're the best. They're awesome looking, won't eat your plants and if you get enough of them they'll keep your tank spotless.
Thanks! That helps a lot
What about the deceptive "apple" and "blck mystery" snails?
I have 3 cherry apple snails in my 38 gal tank, they are great! Haven't seen a problem with eating the plants and are ver active. The only thing is that I've had them about 8 weeks and they have double in size.
go for it honestly some snails are bad get trumpet or ones that are similar if you get snails that don't eat plants all they can do is good
im keeping MTS at the moment....got a vid on them



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