Does a home made co2 generator effect snails. I know that it's home but had in run through a bubble counter and was getting about 1.5 bubbles a second. I ran the pipe into the inlet of my external ehiem pump. Since then(1 week) my 3 cherry apple snails have stopped moving and will not come out of there shell. All plants and fish are fine.

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if its because the ph dropping you could try putting crushed coral in the filter

or the tank if you dont mind how it looks


i've check the ph and is the norm for the water in my area7.4-7.6. i actully have crushed coral as a base layer under the gravel in my tank as i had it left over from a old saltwater tank. i'm just stumped as they were all growing so well and have got so big. the other thing is that have hundreds of tiny snails that have come in on plants i've have bought (i'm the process off crushing them every morning there is bloody loads). thought it would of effected these aswell.
There's no reason for your apple snails to be the only ones effected by the DIY co2. If it was c02 poisoning more of the inhabitants would be effected. How old are they? Perhaps they are just getting to that age :/ They may have also been overeating.
Not sure how old they are but I've only had about 6 weeks. They are still kind alive they just don't come out the shell much, maybe just 3-4mm. it dead?
I had 3 and all have started to float and not really come out of there shells, think I'll just have to c what happens. Have removed the co2 anyway to b safe.:-/
This will sound weird but smell them. Nothing smells worse then a dead snail. If they dont stink they are alive.
Did the old sniff test, and nothing they are still alive but just don't seem to be doing anything, when I put them in they were al over the place. :-(



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