Has anyone with a set up tank or while setting up realized they have too many plants? I'm currently setting up a 29g tank and I have more plants then I can fit. If I stuff any more plants into it I won't have any swimming area or I'd have to take out my slate cave or drift wood. Also some of my other tanks have come really close to over growing the sizes and I don't think I can trim an replant too many more times. So what if anything has anyone thought of doing with their plants other then throwing them away?

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its better to have too much than not enough!


as Vinny said, give them to a friend, or if you've got enough to bunch up and pot, take them to your LFS and see if they'll give you anything for them


I ended up with way too many than what I needed, so I'll probably put them in my smaller tank or try grow them in a make shift DIY set up (big plastic box, lights, home made co2)

if you can sell them local to fish store or give it free ..


even better do a grow out tank



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