ok so I have some terra cotta pots in my tank and I never thought i'd see this but a fish was stuck in the back whole. Funny right... wrong this happened to be my favorite betta I own. at first when I saw him I thought he had drowned from lack of air. but he lived. I smashed the pot to make the whole bigger to get him out but the damage was done. in his trying to free himself the only way he could go was forward so his back has this chunk missing out of it. bad enough I can see the white of his meat. I have had other fish that have fought and their wounds have rotted gotten infected and they died. What can I do to try and stop this from happening. I really would hate to have this fish die.

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Some aquarium salt might keep infection down (use per instructions on package for freshwater fish). This is a theoretical reply I dont have any experience healing fish wounds. Any one want to back me up on this?


 never have this happen to my fish.


it might recovery...might not... i tend to heal alot of fish with stress coat.



Sorry man...  I would either use salt, primafix or Stress Coat from API.  I have had some great results using salt (1-2 tsp/5g) AND Stress Coat (slightly OD'd) in the past bith with lots of airiation. Battle scares, eye damage due to sharp rocks, etc all cleared up within a week... -Nick

aquarium salt, had a fish with really bad sores and now you'd never tell she had any sores on her, also m plec had a bad sore on his underside which is now gone after using aquarium salt for 5 days then doing a big water change, my plec is left with discolouration where the sore was but it is getting its colour back.


good luck, I hope you manage to save the fish

I would say just aquarium salt and Stress Coat.. what temperature do you have the tank set at? 


Also, Bettas CAN breathe underwater ( :

I hope he's doing better!

78-80.and he's still kicking around. I havent seen him eat though. But I think that's just cause he is too depressed right now. But time will tell.
go to walmart and get melafix or to ur lfs and get a fix all treatment and use salt also,it is helping my halfmoon that lost half its tail,its healing the spot but hes also sickly,so try and see if it works..



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