Ok so i have a pair of bolivian rams and one is a male and the other after hours of staring at i am possitive its a female. For most the day they are swiming next to eachother and r cool. But then there are moments the female, the much bigger of the two will chase the male around and when i first introduced the male they full out fought and locked lips. Just the one time that ive seen. But is this normal behavor? Will females chase males? And she is like twice his size but most the day they are cool woth eachother even during feeding

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I don't know about Bolivians, but my GBRs act the same way except it's usually the male chasing her.
Ya I think it's because she is like twice the size of him and was there a few days longer before I got him. And he is a baby still where she looks close to full grown.

Rams no matter what, will lock lip when they see each other.


Put plants or driftwood in the tank to separate territory and lessen aggression plus break line of sight.


I use to own two of them.

Yep that's it.  It's usually good to put them in in pairs.  That way one doesn't feel like the other is invading it's territory.

give them new terretories, they are a bit terratorial at times. My german blues attack each other the same way. I guess it is normal behavier...

My rams never acually 'hurt' each other, but they will wrestle.

good luck :)



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