Starting this thread because while we all may have our own individual tips and tricks that we give newbies, we don't really have a concise list. Debate with others or don't. Learn something new or post something neat. I'll start us off with this little unusual tip I learned from someone ages ago - 


Watch your snails. If they are hanging out at the top of the tank, even going above the waterline, there could be something amiss with your water quality. Snails are pretty sensitive to water conditions believe it or not, and they can act like a barometer for your tank. Also, this really only applies during the day, at night I find that most of my snails are out and about.

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Good idea on a list.


When cleaning your filter you can use Silicone Grease to lube your impeller shaft.  It can be found for a couple of dollars at any hardware store in the plumbing department.  100% non toxic.

there alot of tip/tricks I can add here but here is one that is #1 in my list:


RESEARCH, RESEARCH, AND RESEARCH before anything else.

-Plant 3 stem plants in one hole (they look best when planted like this) 

-Trim back excess roots when re-planting this will prevent broken roots that will rot in the substrate and also encourage new growth

-Remove any broken or damage leaves so that plants can focus energy into healthy newer leaves

thats all i got for now :) 

When aquascaping the golden ratio is your friend.  Know it and use it.
I'm still kind of new to this as far as dirt tanks/ plants go but I would have to say to anyone like me out there ready to get into this hobby don't assume you know what your doing just cause you've done the reading and watched the videos. I did this and still ended up very confused about lighting and which plants I could put in my freshly planted tank. *GSP- Good point/info on the algea. I made the mistake of not planting enough and now I have an algea/diatom issue. Good luck all.
in stead of using a simple gravel siphon and bucket to do your water changes,invest in an "easy water changer" made by aqueon.Its a lil pricie $40 to $60 but i promise its worth it and u can also do a water change that wont cause your temp to drop or rise dangerusly,so it makes your money back.And also keep in mind you can never over filter a tank...ramdom lol easy water changer
Have a plan of attack! I really like this one- lots of good facts here
Old tooth brushes work like a charm to remove algae.

it is OK to do large water changes frequently!! :)

 and make sure before you get any fish or invert, or plant, or coral, or ANYTHING ALIVE... DO REASERCH!! :D

if your heater brakes don't wait a day to buy a new one... i lost $80 worth of fish in about 19 hours (electric blue jackdempsey and some random pseudotropheus)



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Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:59pm 0 Comments

10 Gallon planted Guppy

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