Hows it going guys i was just wondering what would be a suitable tank mate for a Betta in a 2.5 gallon with some plants to be added soon along with a heater,I was thinking someh=thing along the lines of a guppy or a gohst shrimp-Thanks,Aquaman

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guppies can sometimes be with bettas but its a HUGE risk! Cory cats will be fine and if you have a lot of plants for the shrimt to hide in shrimp will work to. neons would work. 2.5 gallons a bit small for them but if you ever get a bigger tank neons would probubly work. sorry for the long response.

Good luck!


try to avoid smaller "bully" fish that school like tetras and barbs because they nip at the long flowing fins of bettas.. the tiger barbs i used to have were incredibly aggressive to the slower moving fish and they liked to nip at my angel fish and it put him under a lot of stress. get non-aggressive fish
Thanks man
Can a tiger barb live in a 2.5?
i suppose if you get the real small ones, but they are schooling fish so they need to be kept in schools of 4 or more. That small of a tank would have to be temporary because it is much too small for a group of them and you will need to get a bigger tank after only s couple short months. just try and go for a bigger tank like a 5 or 10 gal

the only fish that i know can live peacefull in a 2.5g is ghost shrimp and a betta which you already have.


other than that, you can go for 3 oto catfish.

i might try endlers livebearer in there with your betta



Blog Posts

Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:59pm 0 Comments

10 Gallon planted Guppy

Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:58pm 0 Comments


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