wondering if anybody can give me some advice, i been keeping rainbows for some years now i always just mixed a bunch of difrent ones together. is it better to have one or two speceis together. im just realizing some of the problems iv been having with them could be to many diffrent types together, i also have more males then females but im not really having aggresion problems, more like some fish not active, timid things like that.any help would be great.

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rainbows are better in groups.


Having two speices of one group each is much better than mixing alot of rainbows into the tank.



I keep a mixed species group of all males. If the tank is big enough then it's better to have a 2:1 ratio of female to male. Big groups of the same species would look great in a big enough tank but Rainbows don't really 'school' IME so a mixed species group works well if space is limited and you want a few different 'bows.



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