Any one have any Jack Dempsey cichilds? Interested in getting some and was wanting some personal insite. THANKS!!!

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I have kept them.  Don't even try unless you have a 55 gallon tank or bigger.  Other than that, they are classis south American cichlids, very pretty greenish blue scales.  I always liked Jack Dempseys.

55 even if its only like 2?


i have an electric blue dempsey and it is a good fish nice color it has np with gold fish does not bother them or clown loach or tire track eel but regular jack dempseys are more aggressive.
i think you shouldn't add more
why not? i only ave 3 cichilds and 2 plankos. i wanna get another tank also. plus i heard with aggressive fish it would be a good idea to over stock with a good filter and air supply to keep aggression down. is there any truth to that?

ohh ok well thank u for ur comment =]


You didnt say how large your tank is, but Jack Dempseys can grow up to at least 10 inches, maybe bigger.  It will simply overgrow any smaller tank in a short time.  They have big appetites and grow quickly.  Yes there is truth to the overstocking to disperse aggression theory, but IMO a jack dempsey isn't suitable for anything smaller than a 55 gallon.  Consider the fish's well being.  No matter how much filtration, water change, etc, the fish is going to end up in a tank it can barely turn around in.  It would be like you living in a small prison cell.  I think fish need some room to move to be healthy.  There are a ton of dwarf cichlids that exhibit the same personality traits, and don't need as large a tank.  Thats what I keep.  Don't let that discourage you, if you want to get a Dempsey.  I would just have a large enough tank for one before you purchase on, otherwise you will either end up trying to scratch up cash for a bigger tank once it outgrows a smaller tank, or you have to try to return it to the pet store.  Once these fish get large, many stores don't want them.  It leads to some dilemas in the long run.

you sum it up for my point..


a 30g is not going hold all the fish for long no matter overstocking the 30g just to keep aggression down. Image the mess and amount of waste cichlid produce...

wow i had no clue they got that big, thanks for the advise


You definately want to do a little research on any fish before you purchase them, as far as maximum size, if they are aggressive or not, their water parameter and feeding and housing requirements, etc.  Always go in with knowledge before you purchase a fish.  Thats what this website is for too, so your on the right track!  Just ask away like you are, people in here don't steer other wrong typically.
Cool that's good to hear it seems like you just can't learn enough. I feel like u know quite a bit about the fish I already have just thinking about getting one of those coffee table tanks and trying to figure our what fish I want for it. I'm kinda thinking bout breeding these and adding those to new tank. But idk the sex if these fish. Could 3 male cichilds live together with out fighting? Cuz these hardly chase eachother. Never really fight tho.
3 males of different species could, of the same species definately not.  I think the males are usually coored a little different.  Some species you can tell by the fins being a little longer on males.  Its hard to tell for me though.  Maybe take some really close up pics and post them in here and ask if anyone can sex them.



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