One of my tanks is 10 gallon planted tank. It's very low tech with just clay in the substrate. The plants cabomba, crypts, and some sagittaria. My livestocks consists of 5 cherry barbs and 3 platies. I do water changes 50 percent weekly because I feel like my tank is a little overstocked. My nitrates are like 35 ppm before a water change and 15-20 ppm after it. I've been reading up and many sources say that a fifty percent water change is too much and a 20 percent should be done every two weeks. I asked my local fish dealer and he said that what I do(50% weekly) is fine. I just really want good water quality for my fish and no algae. Please any suggestions would help.

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I think that if you watch dustins vids you'll find he does like 80%+ water changes on his tanks and not that I know much at all but ive been doing 90% waterchanges on my tanks every second week and not bothering on checking any chemical imbalances etc... and my plants and fish are thriving =) but im a beginner so putting my bit in.


thanks Michael

If you were swimming in your own feces would you rather I put in 50% or 20% clean water. I think the more water changes the better. I do 50% once a week now because I am doing EI dosing.

I do 75% water changes once a week on my planted tanks. I do 30% water changes every other week on my shell dweller tanks because it seems like they get stressed out a little bit if I do a water change bigger than 30% and if I do it every week. 

I think it all depends on the stock of your tank. And how much waste is being produced. 50% is just fine in my opinion

I usually do 20% each week.


the extra waste are good for plants! lol

i do 50 % percent waterchanges on my 90. its fine but for a smaller tank try doing 40%

its a timeless debate.  I do them massive and know a number of people who do as well....just keep the temp the same and do them huge and slowly imo.



i have been watching your videos and i would like your input in two things if you dont mind.

my first question is ive been doing pwc of 50% every week and if i was to do one of 80-90% once a month will that affect the plants and fish????


abd second how do u clean the back glass of your tanks (if you do)???

Thanks everyone. (: I think I'm just gonna stick with the 50 percent water changes
I do 50% a week in all my tanks, sometimes more.  Gotta keep it crispy and clean in there!
works fine for me :)
I do 50 to 80% water changes weekly my fish don't mind  .... Everybody's situation is different  ... Each tank is different ..... In time you will just know .... Fresh water is good for the plants and the fish ...So to answer your question yes 50% should be just fine .. 



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