hi i am about to dirt my 55g i was wondering could i soak my dirt in a tub for a week changing to water often to eliminate the excess nutrient stage allowing me to add it to my tank when i am ready and being about to add my fish back in under a day????? Thanks for your reply's
A week ago, I set up my first dirted tank. I washed some MGOC potting soil by soaking overnight in 4 volumes of water, and then dumping liquid layer into my toilet. This got rid of floater wood chips, and super fine dust. Carefully drained until no liquid came out. Washed some unscented, non clumping clay cat litter the same way. Dried both for a couple of days, and then mixed 90% MGOC, 10% cat litter. This mix looked and felt like moist chocolate cake crumbs, and had a fresh dirt smell (quite pleasant). Put a 1 inch layer on bottom of bowl, capped with 1 inch fine gravel from a running tank. I then planted heavily with stem and rooted plants. Filled with aquarium water from another tank. Tank went slightly cloudy for a day, and then I changed 100% of the water with fresh aquarium water. The bowl has been crystal clear ever since and the plants are growing. I bought some new plants that day, and planted half of each bunch in my newly dirted tank, and the other half in my established gravel only tank. The plants in the dirted tank started growing new leaves within 2 days. No growth seen yet in the gravel tank. I found that the bunch plants stuck in the dirted substrate better than the gravel tank substrate. Seems like the dirt grabbed the stem, whereas the gravel didn't always hold the stem enough to prevent floating. No livestock yet; Still waiting for the cloudy water ammonia spike, and algae disaster. Maybe this is still lurking in my future. So far, I am impressed. Planning to dirt some more tanks as soon as I see this one run clear for a while longer.
Bob thanks for the details I am getting things togeather for my first dirted tank, the info and advice on this site have been usefull
I set up my first dirted tank (55 g) about a month ago. I started with a sloping (1/2" front to 1 1/2" back) amount of organic potting mix and some non-clumping kitty litter. I added the water right to the tank slowly. I probably would have started with buckets outside, but it's below freezing in NJ right now! Anyway, I filled the tank up and let it settle. I changed the water every 2-3 days for about 2 weeks.
At first I only had one filter, but I did get a second one. Each filter is slated for 40 gallons and one has the bio wheel and the other has a UV sterilizer on it. I wanted this to curb algae and parasites. I ordered a plant package from online. I recommend azaquaticgardens.com for good prices and selection if your LFS doesn't have much.
I topped off the dirt with fluorite dark (love the color) for another inch or so and packed it out with the plants. I have an LED planted plus 4' light on this, which the plants just love. I highly recommend something to help the tank cycle faster. I used Kent Sability. Love it for when I have to change out dirty media,too--something you will have with a dirted tank.
I added the fish about 2 weeks after the plants were in. I added about 100 snails, shrimp, clams, and fish. Fish are all small tetras, barbs, and danios. Everything is stable--no ammonia or nitrate issues. Fish are healthy, plants are growing--no algae. Note: I don't have any CO2 either. I just use a line of fertilizers and liquid CO2 from Kent.
RE: Bob F
waiting is a good idea figure out the issues in your first tank and do better on the next one!! algae blooms can be prevented do not use any fertilizers just co2 if you decide but not always necessary. don't put your lights on the full amount ramp it up as your plants get going start out with like 3hrs work your way up slowly to about 6 any more and your bound to have algae issues. at least I did.
the one thing I have learned through keeping fish is do not rush things or take the easy way, do it right it may take lounger but you will end up with a nicer tank and less money spent on fish deaths.
Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:59pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:58pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Tuh Bahd Phish on March 5, 2019 at 10:12am 2 Comments 1 Like
Started by Richard in General Discussion (off topic). Last reply by Patrick Aug 16, 2020. 3 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Zachary Kittle in General Discussion (off topic) Oct 31, 2018. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Zachary Kittle in General Discussion (off topic) Oct 30, 2018. 0 Replies 0 Likes
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