What's better at controlling algae? Shrimp like amano or red cherries. Or fish like SAEs and plecos.

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well the bristlenose pleco isnt , well at first they are when there 4-9 months old , mines coming upto three years old and has lost her  appitite for algae , no experience on the shrimp front
Shrimp are great, but nerite snails are the BEST at getting rid of algae. They eat the hard stuff that fish and some shrimp can't get.
very true they are amzing ! what about octinolus ( spelling?) anyone had good experience with them

I think they do a better job then you think they do. Mine do most of their cleaning a night. They aren't the best though, you have to get too many of them before it will make a difference. 


i know i got 3 to battle the stubbon GSA and ill tell you it worked , miss them now stupid whitespot :( lol how many do think for 55 ?


there is benefit to each one.


pleco can clean your glass and decor and leaves.


shrimp can't clean the glass but can clean your leaves and decor


both cherry and amano are good and a pleco like bristlenose are great if you like them.



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