I finally downloaded all of the pictures on my phone to my computer so now I will actually post them to my page. Big updates to talk about are going to focus on my planted tanks first and finish off with my saltwater experience.

10 gallon planted is overloaded with pond snails so I am working on getting rid of them with lettuce in a bottle I'll let you know how well that works out. My crystal red shrimps that I ordered at my LFS finally came in 4 months later so I threw them into the tank. My blue shrimp had babies so once they get big I'll sell them to the LFS for some credit. All of my plants are out of control and the whole tank needs some series attention, but is otherwise doing well.

55 gallon planted has the driftwood in it tied down with some old aquarium pebbles in sandwich bags. It isn't the prettiest sight, but hopefully after a month I can get rid of them. I noticed I haven't seen my bamboo shrimp in a while which makes me think he was eaten unfortunately. I need to also do a huge water change because the water is tea colored. I also need to tie down the java moss and get some real filter bags. I have learned my lesson that I don't like dirted tanks! My plants are starting to grow back here and there, but I feel flourite and gravel alone work just as well when I look at my 10 gallon.

29 gallon saltwater tank is doing fine. I love the look and wish I could do it for all of my tanks. I also wish I had a million dollars haha. So what I find most interesting is I had my first loss and it was the damsel. I'm glad it was the cheap fish I didn't really want,but aren't they supposed to be real hardy?! My McCosker Wrasse is happier without it though he has been flashing all over the place. My Banggai Cardinals seem to have paired off which would be phenomenal! Get a bunch of fry to raise and then sell back for some needed money. We shall see. I ordered a custom cleaner pack from vivid aquariums and I have to say I was highly impressed with the speed and condition my package came! I believe I killed one of my snails though during my water change which sucks! Note to self: don't let the salt water mix directly hit snails! The electric blue hermit is beautiful and emerald green crab is just as nice. I had purchased a zooanthid from my LFS and they hooked me up with a small mushroom, but when placing them in the aquarium, the mushroom blew away behind the rockwork to never be seen again! Note2 to self: turn off pumps and filters when placing corals in the aquarium.

It is a learning process, but I am loving every minute of it!

I appreciate any input whether negative, positive, or neutral!

Thanks for reading and don't be afraid to talk to me I could use the pointers as well as ideas!

De'Shawn R. Wilson

Views: 93

Comment by Kody on January 11, 2014 at 3:54am
Try taking that drift wood and soaking it in a rubber made tub with hot water, like as hot of water as you think the tub can withstand without melting lol that'll help get the straining out of the wood and it'll help prevent turning your tank tea colored .
Comment by Kody on January 11, 2014 at 3:57am
And assassin snails will help you get rid of the snails in your 10 g. Assassin snails are cheap (1-3$) and will reduce the number of the invasive sails a lot
Comment by DR Wilson on January 11, 2014 at 4:36am

The wood isn't what is leaching tannin its the dirt believe it or not, but I will definitely look into assassin snails! do they eat shrimp though?

Comment by Kody on January 11, 2014 at 5:33am
Just keep up on water changes and the dirty look of the water will come out, my tank did the same thing after about 5-6 water changes it cleared up, and nope the assassin snails are safe to all fish and shrimp as far as I know iv personally had them with shrimp and fish and never had a problem or heard of any problems with them


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10 Gallon planted Guppy

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