All Blog Posts (714)

My Youtube...

Ok, honestly... I'm not a spammer... And not trying to MAKE people check out my YouTube, but I do put a TON of work to my tanks as well as my videos... Most of them are in HD.. And well edited... So.... If you would like to check out my videos of my 6 tanks... Feel free.. I would appreciate it =)

Added by Nicolas Bowling on February 12, 2013 at 10:38pm — No Comments

I'm moving! Suggestions on moving fish needed

I'm moving March 1st and I need suggestions on how to move a host of fish. This is what has to be moved.

14 rainbows, some 4 inches most about 2.5

2 Opaline Gouramis

1 nine inch common pleco

60+ molly and guppy youth

4 female bettas

4 African Clawed Frogs

I think of this move and I'm like, Oh dear how on earth am I going to move all these fish? I figure the frogs will be just fine and the bettas will manage in their…


Added by Faith-Magdalene Austin on February 11, 2013 at 2:07am — 10 Comments


How would you guys and girls aquascape a rectangular 5.5?it has black and very little white rocks so its pretty empty .so how would you aquascap it? And thank you in advance

Added by AnthonyV on February 10, 2013 at 10:42pm — 3 Comments

Very New Here!

Right i'm very new here and have only really been keeping fish for a couple of months as i've gotten back into the hobby after I had a tank when I was 14 and have now returned to it. I live in England down in the south east . 

I have a basic 60 liter tank that i have planted up with a variety of plants and at the moment just have a few neon tetras and corys in my…


Added by Rob Carroll on February 10, 2013 at 5:00pm — 6 Comments

intermediate peaceful schoaling fish for a 90gallon planted

Okay so I fianlly got my 90 gallon up and running while it cycles gives me a perfect time span to think of some interemidate peaceful shoaling fish.I think I'm ready with such a big set up.I can hold up to 80 fish. The fluval I got on the filter along the glue on filter box that came with the tank is up too 100gal filter. Its a 403 fluval. its so quite. plus i got some media in the original filter double filteration.

So my question is,what are some beautiful shoaling…


Added by Hard core pokemon gamer on February 9, 2013 at 2:48am — 3 Comments

Any 1 know were to get a cheap aquarium tank size from 75-150 gallons

.i have a 55gal Malawi tank and they keep breeding and got about 20 babies about 1inch long and 27 more just hatched from eggs so yea plz respond back i'm desperate 

Added by Brandon on February 9, 2013 at 12:55am — 4 Comments

20 Gallon Stocking

    Alright guys, I'm setting up a old 20 gallon (planted) tank, if it was yours what would

you stock it with???

Added by alex9j4m on February 7, 2013 at 5:08pm — 10 Comments

Aquarium Confessions

I’m a broke aquarist. Most of my aquariums and equipment came from people who know I love fish and simply gave me all their equipment in order to get it out of their house. Both of my 60 gallon set ups were given to me for free because friends or associates got in over their heads, gave up then gave the tanks to me. This is also how I came into possession of my 90 gallon pond which is currently sitting in my closet waiting to be set up after my move.…


Added by Faith-Magdalene Austin on February 4, 2013 at 8:15pm — 4 Comments

Nippy fish

Salutations fellow aquarists and fish enthusiasts!

In my first blog post, I would like to debunk the bad reputation that certain tetras have been given. I have a 50 gallon tank with 6 black widow tetras, 6 red eye tetras and 6 serpae tetras with a wide variety of other fishes including one angelfish. The above-mentioned tank is very peaceful and I have so far had no fin-nipping experiences. As most of you will know, in many forums and circles, these 3 species of tetras that I have…


Added by Elliott Ong on February 3, 2013 at 9:06am — 6 Comments

Update after camallanus worms

There have been no sign of the worms. I lost quite a few fish and I have started restocking my aquarium. Last weekend I got 4 German Rams and lost one. The 3 left are looking great and I think will do fine. Today I went to my LFS and got some angels to replace the ones that I lost. I haven't lost a fish since my initial treatment. I'm pretty sure the first treatment killed all the worms. 

I still have one more treatment to do tomorrow, but I'm not doing that large of a water change…


Added by Jessica on February 2, 2013 at 8:11pm — 3 Comments

'Interest' in several different languages

I was checking a friend's page for updates and saw a comment left on her profile page that was sort of ... interesting. When I read it I thought wow, talk about being open with your feelings. She was just out there with it. Then I thought, well, if this friend got all that 'interest' based on her profile picture alone I might want to update my photo. The profile photo is a good one so it made sense why the interest but it was the level of proposed love that struck me as .... well,…


Added by Faith-Magdalene Austin on February 2, 2013 at 3:00pm — 4 Comments

CO2 During Daytime, O2 at Night Time??

Since plants covert CO2 into O2 when the lights are on and photosynthesis is taking place and at night time when the lights are of they revert to using O2 and produce CO2, it makes sense to turn off the CO2 at night and add O2 which is what my plants and fish need. yesterday it clicked so i decided to just that. i use my power head as defuser for my CO2 (it creates alot of bubbles and particles in the water, but hey it serves a practical purpose)  it came with airline tubing and a adjustable…


Added by Apollo on January 31, 2013 at 10:09am — 5 Comments

The Value of a Photograph

I look at my tanks day in and day out. My head is constantly in the tanks checking fins, checking webbed feet and scaleless bodies, but sometimes I miss things. Those things get picked up by the camera and let me know that I may need to do more than a head count and body check. I may need to do more cleaning of rocks and the sides of the tanks. 

Today I…


Added by Faith-Magdalene Austin on January 28, 2013 at 7:30pm — 6 Comments

Aquarium Plant Tips

has no sound so just play ur own background music while u watch.   not my vid but really helpful

Added by Peter on January 27, 2013 at 1:20am — 1 Comment

Got some new plants :)

I got some hornwort. And some ludwigia repens. 

Added by Austin Graystone on January 27, 2013 at 1:02am — 4 Comments

I want new plants.

So i want new plants buy idk what kind, look at my tank and my specs and tell me what i should get :) 

Added by Austin Graystone on January 25, 2013 at 7:47pm — 1 Comment

whiptail catfish farlowella acus

Are whiptail catfish farlowella acus easy to house?

Added by Wesley Hutton on January 24, 2013 at 6:59pm — 3 Comments

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Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:59pm 0 Comments

10 Gallon planted Guppy

Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:58pm 0 Comments


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