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Angelfish For Sale?

Hey i just found out that i have a new batch of angelfish fry. I was wounding if anyone would like to buy them and have me ship them to you once they are big enough. For the last 3 batches i have only had one die which was in the last one. I have traded them all into my lfs but was wondering if any of you guys would like some. I am not in it for the money but would like to cover at least half of the shipping cost.

Added by Nathan Bryant on January 2, 2013 at 3:08pm — 6 Comments

When "free shipping" isn't a good deal :(

Ordered 2 anubias online (ebay) and waited 3 weeks for them.   Free shipping for limited time.  UGH.

Came in a flat envelope, no special markings, left in my mailbox (it's 25 degrees F here) under a heavy pile of other mail.

They were flattened and cold damaged,  got them into tank water ASAP and cut out the obvious damaged parts, but alas they did not make it.  By today even the roots and rhizomes that were left were soft and mushy, no saving those.   Lesson…


Added by HeatherS on January 1, 2013 at 10:04pm — No Comments

fertilizers for planted tanks how to:

 this is how i make my fertilizers for the planted tank.

 i buy dry fertilizers @

Added by damian corona on January 1, 2013 at 6:24pm — 1 Comment

Live plants ?

 What plants are the best for a five gallon aquarium that are easy to care for and dont grow too fast and all over the place ??

Added by David Lucchesi on January 1, 2013 at 1:22pm — 11 Comments

dirted tank convertion


  so i just dirtied my five gallons tank a couple of days ago. it was an already established tank so i guess that made it easier to put the fish back in it. so far so good. i have the whole process recorded and uploaded on my youtube account.

Added by damian corona on December 31, 2012 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

:( i have an algae outbreak again

hey guys i need help how does one get rid of algae once and for all? cuz i have recently had an outbreak and my plants are covered in in ? 

Added by Austin Graystone on December 30, 2012 at 7:18pm — 7 Comments

Marineland c530 canister filter

I have a c530 Marineland canister filter and have been using it for about 6 weeks, I was thinking of checking it out as to see how dirty it is and replace the carbon and the polishing filter media this week.  Any suggestions on what to use to improve the filter?  I have seen on you tube several additional items.  Anyone out there have and ideas?  Thanks.

Added by DePreston on December 30, 2012 at 5:59am — No Comments

Hard water

Why is my water so hard?  I measured it this morning and it showed between 150 and 300. Is this a problem? What should the numbers be?  I have a 90 gallon tank with a Marineland 530, and HOB, a UV running, another home made bio filter.  NO3 at 40, No2 zero, the ph is about 6.2, but the hardness is…


Added by DePreston on December 30, 2012 at 5:46am — 5 Comments

Just an update

The 55 with the ich seems all better continueing the salt though for another week or so just to be sure there all better. The festivum jumped out the tank the other night lucky for him i was awake and saw it happen. Also had to bring one of my angels back to the store due to his attitude. The 44 lost one of te smaller discus not sure what caused him to die all the other fish seem happy and healthy.

Added by Raymond Boulanger on December 29, 2012 at 6:48pm — 2 Comments


................. It starts like this.... I stopped into my LFS just to kill some TIME because it was on the way to where  I was dropping a long time friend off and kinda wanted to spend an extra couple minutes with him ( with no intention or need to buy anything).... OK so we're there and I'm always looking at the aquatic plants and  it's busy as hell buy the way. Tons of little kids picking out goldfish or whatever and  at first I really didn't care…


Added by Dylan Tommy on December 28, 2012 at 5:42pm — 17 Comments


It's spreading, save the fry save the fry!!!

Added by Raymond Boulanger on December 27, 2012 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

buying java moss

where can i buy large amounts of java moss for cheap??

Added by rey on December 27, 2012 at 1:53am — 2 Comments

Check out clown barbs!

Hey everyone! I just wanna tell y'all about a really awesome fish that I've come to love!

Dun dun dun....the clown barb! Puntius everetti

Also known as Everett's barb (which is super awesome since that's my last name!):D

Active, schooling barb that is colored much like tiger barbs. Instead of striped clown barbs more so have spots! They also have the brightest iridescent shine under the right light. Gold and green colors shine off their peachy color.

Oddly they are shaped… Continue

Added by Brandon Everett on December 27, 2012 at 12:56am — No Comments

My Tank from the Very beginning

Added by Austin Graystone on December 26, 2012 at 8:40pm — 4 Comments

Which of my fish is eating my plants?


So I recently dirted my tank and planted it heavy! My Italian val is reproducing already yay! Except, problem, my new vals that are popping up keep disappearing..ugh. Fish are eating them. Along with the young leaves of my taller plants. So here's my fish, can you tell me what the most likely vegetarians are in my tank that are enjoying my plants so much...

-clown barb

-tiger barb

-clown loach

-tiger loach

-rhino pleco (that's the one I… Continue

Added by Brandon Everett on December 26, 2012 at 7:48pm — 4 Comments


Hey guys, 

My Siamese fighter has been battling with fin rot and no matter what I do I cant seem to make it heal! So if anyone knows what will help can you comment! PLEASE!!! I have tried some salt and fungus cure but none of it is working....

Thanks for reading,

Added by Aaron Lewis on December 26, 2012 at 10:00am — 6 Comments

T5 lighting

8 bulb 192 watt t5ho lighting too much/ not enough for a 56 gallon column tank to grow hair grass? Will experiment with co2 if needed just want this stuff to spread... Dirt bottom tank sand cap 30w x18d x24h

Added by Alexis P on December 25, 2012 at 7:52pm — 6 Comments

Bichir Care

Hi everyone,

So, I just bought a new Sengal Bichir and I came home drip acclimated it and it swam around observing its new environment, but I want to know more about it like care and your personal experiences.  It's been a day and he has colored up (yesterday he was pink and now he is brown- I"m thinking from stress), he is eating his bloodworms (about 3-5) and is sluggish.  He pops out now and then but he has calmed down, and stays near one side of my aquarium.  Hes not being…


Added by Hunter D. on December 25, 2012 at 7:23pm — 4 Comments

Look what i got! Flame moss!!!!

Added by Austin Graystone on December 24, 2012 at 4:44pm — 6 Comments

Algae explosion

Help, I have quite a few small ball like algae growing in my plants and rocks.  What is going on?  They are stuck pretty well on them.  Any ideas on how to get rid of it and keep it away? 

Added by DePreston on December 23, 2012 at 5:23am — 2 Comments

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Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:59pm 0 Comments

10 Gallon planted Guppy

Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:58pm 0 Comments


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