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So I love having plecos in the tank even though i almost have no algae. Every time i go to my lfs, i end up coming back with a NEW pleco, because the last one died, and so the one before. So yesterday i went to my lfs and got a pleco. this morning, he's lying on his back. Dead. I really need help because i dont know what I'm doing wrong. I try feeding him like sinking pellets but he had no interest so I asssumed the fish store had fed him.

My Tank:

6 neon…


Added by Betta on November 18, 2012 at 6:55am — 11 Comments

So i work for fish and plants aha

Since im always at my fav lfs on my days off ima start helping the out with catching fish for customers and helping when orders come in to get all the fishies aclamated. Monday gonna help reseal a big tank. they needed some help since to of there people moved its a small private owned fs and im helping out to get better prices on fish and plants .... and i get to learn about salt water since right know i only keep fresh planted tanks, wasnt really planned i droped by yesterday upon request a…


Added by Raymond Boulanger on November 17, 2012 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

plant growth problem

I have had my tank for a while now at least a month and i noticed that my amazon swords were growing like crazy and now theyy have taken over the background of my tank . The problem is i am noticing that there color is fading and also there leaves look like they are being eaten, is there a possibility that my fishare eating the leaves or the snails in my tank. i have two haraquin rasboras' 5 male guppies, tree females ans over 16 babbie guppies, also the snails are ram horn snails. Another…


Added by Andrew Koehler on November 17, 2012 at 3:36am — 2 Comments

snails friend or foe????

I just threw in a pond snail in my 55g planted does any body have experience with them. From what i read i think its a good addition.

Added by Derick cotten on November 16, 2012 at 5:18am — 6 Comments

Plant ends getting brown

What causes the tips of my plants to turn brown?  Nearly all of them have the very tips  turning brown for about a quarter of an inch.  Any suggestions?

Added by DePreston on November 14, 2012 at 7:20pm — 4 Comments


I'm in the need of a large piece of driftwood for my 75 gallon.  Can anyone help me find a piece on the internet?  I've been looking for days now, and there is no driftwood where I live.

Added by Peter Bakovic (Aquariums4life) on November 13, 2012 at 10:52pm — 3 Comments

My live plants are losing leaves ????

Hello  ........  three days ago I put 16 lbs of "Fluval Stratum" substrate in my 65gal aquarium and added quite a few live plants ( see photo ). I have noticed each day there are a few leaves falling off & floating in the tank ????  Don't think it is the fish that are doing it ???  Just wondered if this is normal for a few leaves to fall off after a fresh planting  ????  I am running dual T5's  and a DIY CO2  in this tank ........ Please reply if you can help  .  Thanks…


Added by thefisherman15 on November 13, 2012 at 7:18pm — 4 Comments

australian rainbow fish

My Australian rainbow fish seen to be aggressive with all my fish and they have a black stripe down the center. Is this normal ?

Added by Connor Swann on November 12, 2012 at 11:14pm — 1 Comment

Realy High PH

I decided I wanted some South American Blue Ram Cichlids on Friday so I went to my local LFS. After talking with the lady at my local LFS I decided I should test my PH and KH first. I woke this morning and tested my PH only to discover it at around 8.4. Aghast, I re-checked and re-checked and still 8.4. Still unable to believe what I was seeing I gathered up a bottle of the aquarium water and headed down to my…


Added by Pat McCormick on November 12, 2012 at 3:53pm — 23 Comments

LED's or Florecents

Just wondering what would be better for a 125 planted tank?

Added by Nathan Bryant on November 12, 2012 at 2:53am — 6 Comments

Co2 diffusers and diy co2

Anyone know how to make a good one for cheap. Whats a long lasting recipe? And how long doez it take to see the effects on my plants?

Added by Mr awesome on November 12, 2012 at 12:11am — 2 Comments

Could these plants grow without dirt?

Java fern
Jungle Val
Can you guys give me some other beginner plants that would look good with these plants?

Added by Kevin on November 11, 2012 at 8:23pm — 3 Comments

There should be a app for this.

I hope there will be a app

Added by Kevin on November 11, 2012 at 5:32pm — 1 Comment

Help with my 125 Planted tank

Can someone help me with my new 125. I am wondering how deep of a bed of soil i need and how deep of gravel. Also what kind of lighting should i use. And is there a plant to fish ratio? someone please help me! And what is best for filtration hang on the back or canister?

Added by Nathan Bryant on November 10, 2012 at 1:30am — 1 Comment

miracle grow organic potting soil!

Im using this to dirt my 55g as of now im letting it soak in a bucket and im removing big chucks of wood to reduce tannins. Im gona take my time with it and try to wait two weeks. Im hoping by doing this i will lower the ammonia levels, because i dont have enough plants to "bare the load". Im trying to be patient, and i hope this works out. My current 55g has a number of fish. When the dirt is ready im gona have to keep this fish in a bucket . I really hope i dont lose any plants or fish.

Added by Derick cotten on November 10, 2012 at 12:00am — 12 Comments

Caring for a Mandarin Dragonet

         After alot of research ( About 3 months ), I decided to find a Mandarin. I visited multiple stores and I saw multiple Mandarins. I did NOT buy the first one I saw. I looked.... I watched.... I left..... I pissed off the store owner... and I looked again. Every week for about 3-4 weeks. Ironically, the healthiest fattest Mandarin I found happened to be at PETCO... Now I know that you are all raging and screaming and tossing your food at the screen but this Mandarin  was the…


Added by Vinh Nguyen on November 9, 2012 at 10:00pm — 6 Comments

I'm thinking of getting another Pictus Catfish ????

Hello  .........   I have one Pictus Catfish right now in my 65gal aquarium - he is about 4 inches long -  I was thinking of getting another .  If anyone knows if they will get along together if I have two ?????   The one I have now gets along with any fish  but  I was just wondering will he get along with another Pictus ????   Please reply .

Added by thefisherman15 on November 9, 2012 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

going to dirt.....

im really considering reduing my tank and puttingdirt any tips?

Added by Derick cotten on November 9, 2012 at 7:05am — No Comments

i need help with my jungle val

55g dual t5ho using root tabs and liquid ferts i was using flourish excel but im lowering the dosages . My jungle has hardly grown in the past two months . A couple plants sent out runners but no growth other than that. I recently cut them down to two inches to see if that helps....

Added by Derick cotten on November 9, 2012 at 12:58am — 3 Comments

Lots of babies

I am experiencing the big birth in my tank.  Mollies and guppies are trying to out do each other.  I am thinking of disolving a couple of birth control pills into the water.  What do I do with 25 or so babies? 

Added by DePreston on November 8, 2012 at 7:07pm — 4 Comments

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Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:59pm 0 Comments

10 Gallon planted Guppy

Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:58pm 0 Comments


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