All Blog Posts (714)

Laying down substrate and planning.

Quite a lot has happened since my first blog post. I have done more research, acquired my materials and dirted the tank!  (Video/at the bottom)

The Dirt:

I managed to find a "miracle gro organic choice" soil that is .10/.05/.10 on the nitrogen/phosphate/potash. Nice and low where it counts, and no chemical ferts as far as I can tell. Organic ferts most likely poultry so it may leech extra ammonia from what I have discovered. However, I think it is a good dirt. There are no…


Added by BradnJess on June 19, 2013 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

How to stop little fish from being killed by filterf

I have a Marineland c530 canister filter that is sucking up the small fish, neons, to the intake and killing them.  Any ideas on how to put something over the intake to lessen the intake pressure by increasing the size of the intake?

Added by DePreston on June 16, 2013 at 3:07pm — 6 Comments

Cannister filter help

I have a c530 Marineland canister filter and have been using it for about 6 months, I was thinking of checking it out as to see how dirty it is and replace the carbon and the polishing filter media this week.  Any suggestions on what to use to improve the filter?  I have seen on you tube several additional items.  Anyone out there have and ideas?  Thanks.

Added by DePreston on June 16, 2013 at 6:58am — 6 Comments

Nitrate problem

I have a 90 gallon aquarium that is having a problem with nitrates.  The other chemistry, ammonia, nitrites, etc are very good.  But my nitrates are sometime higher than I want.  Anyone know what to buy and where to buy it to help me keep those nitrates lower?  I am using a marineland  c530 along with a HOB Tetra filter, a UV and a home made bio filter.  Some suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Added by DePreston on June 16, 2013 at 6:54am — 5 Comments

33 gallon amazon tank

Hi guys I want to set up a 33 gallon planted amazon tank with rummy nose tetras and a mix of angel fish, some Corey cats and some bn plecos, I need help deciding on substrate and things like that, I have T8 lights and a fluval 205 filter

Added by Joe williams on June 15, 2013 at 7:52pm — 9 Comments

Can I use slate/ceramic floor tiles in my aquarium?

I purchased some ceramic/slate tiles from Lowes and was wondering if they are safe to use in the aquarium. I have several sizes. None of these have ever been used on a floor. They are whole, no broken pieces. Are they safe to use in an aquarium? If one ends up broken is it safe to use?

Are they safe to use whole?

Are they safe to use broken?


Added by Faith-Magdalene Austin on June 14, 2013 at 4:40am — 3 Comments


I have a 90 gallon tank with a bunch of fresh water fish.  They have been kicking off at about one a day lately.  Did a water change Sunday, my chemistry is great, no ammonia, nitrites or nitrates of any amounts dangerous to fish.  Then someone reminded me about salt,  I had forgotten about adding some when I set the tank up 6 months ago.  I have a marineland c530, a HOB tetra, a UV filter and a home made biological filter running off a power head.  The water is crystal clear and the temp is…


Added by DePreston on June 11, 2013 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments

Well I bought some tanks!!! what??!! LOL

My name is Chad and I am recently new to Fishtank TV.

It has been years since I have kept up a fishtank!!!

I am 28 years old now and have never set up a tropical tank.

When I was younger, I had some goldfish, some frogs, etc.

But now I am wanting to set up my first tropical tank!!!

Recently, my niece set up a 20 gallon tall tank that my sister had at their house.

It didn't take too much of me seeing the tank and looking on YouTube and stuff to get me…


Added by Chad Williams on June 11, 2013 at 2:34am — 5 Comments

Need Fluval 305

Im in need of a 305 canister. Who offers the best price or where can I get a used one?

Added by just_ray on June 9, 2013 at 10:55pm — 2 Comments

T-5 lighting system.

Thank you baby Jesus for this gift. Iam so happy i made the investment. As soon as i turned on the solar max HE double T-5 lighting the plants were at attention.

P.S. using the old 30g fluoresecent light on 29g amazon tank for addition lighting. Making a difference as well for the time being. Thx 4 reading.

Added by Juanarium on June 8, 2013 at 10:20pm — No Comments

Madagascar Lace plant

Hi guys, Today 6/7/13 i purchased the madagascar lace plant from my local fish shop. It was in dirt with brown waters. Honestly this was the healthiest one ( great roots ). Instead of throwing it in the tank, I'm acclimating the plant just like u would a fish. Placing it in the 30g root tab , mix mineral substrate. Adding a spot light on her for sufficient lighting to give it a fighting chance. (need those T-5's.)!!!
Thanks for reading. Any suggestions or comments. Pls feel free.

Added by Juanarium on June 7, 2013 at 9:01pm — 3 Comments

Transporting tanks!!!!

Hi guys. In 2 months i will be moving. How do I transport a 30g and a 29g with 8+ fishes and 10+ plants without harming the substrate and life...

Added by Juanarium on June 7, 2013 at 11:51am — 5 Comments

Constantly high Ph

Alright so I'm not so sure on whats going on in my tank you may want to take a look at my previous post to get a better idea but my Ph is CONSTANTLY high i can't get it to come down no matter how much I try what chemicals I put in it. I mean this is unhealthily high as well it bordering on tap water Ph... My ammonia seems to be in check since it is a new tank I expect ammonia fluctuation, none of my fish have died yet but I would very much appreciate some feed back. 

When I…


Added by Cole Russell on June 6, 2013 at 2:29am — 24 Comments

Gravel and Live Plants

Okay guys so my tank has been cycling for about a week, with some neons and an African Brown Knife and I went to my local fish store and he told me adding some live plants would help the tank get balanced so now I've got a couple of little plants such as water wisteria (only as of now is it small), some java  ferns, some Anubias and some rotala not all of it is small I guess but what I was curious about is how much light I should have the tank is 29 gallons 20" high? What I didn't consider…


Added by Cole Russell on June 6, 2013 at 1:13am — 19 Comments

Lighting over a 29 gallon

I am redoing my dirted tank and applying new dirt and sand. I plan on having giant hairgrass, rotala india, crypts, and moss. Will a two bulb t5 HO light fixture be enough light for this tank?



Also, buying bulbs from zoo med the 65K and a rose bulb as well. Plus might upgrade the filter. Running two HOB aquon filters one 200GPH then a 100 GPH. I am running co2 and dosing first and the florish line.


If you have any other ideas please help if…


Added by Anchorboy on June 3, 2013 at 10:12pm — 3 Comments

180 Gallon Planted Tank Lighting and Stocking

Alright so I finally got a 180 gallon tank. It is 6x2x2. My question is what kind of lighting do you guys with bigger tanks (125-220ish) have for plants? Im trying to do this as cheep as I can. Im taking down a 75 and a 55 to make room for the 180, so I have 2, 48inch dual t5s that I can put on there but I doubt that will be enough? Im thinking about running 85watt cfls (about four of them) as well since Ive had good luck with them and with two 48 inch strips the…


Added by alex9j4m on May 31, 2013 at 1:01pm — 7 Comments

new 75 gallon

I got a new 75 gallon tank and I have no idea what to do with it. Can't decide weather to go with a fresh water planted tank or saltwater tank. Or even what to put in it

Added by logan on May 29, 2013 at 11:50pm — 1 Comment

8 recommend beginners plants (by dustin W)

Hi. 6 months into my hobby I am still a beginner. With a naked 29gal tall and In need of knowledge, i turned to YouTube. Taking notes I've been able to successfully grow, propagate and maintain the following. ❤Rotala rotundifolia, giant sagittaria, ludwigia repens, anachris elodea, water wisteria, anubias nana, apongeton crispus, enchinodorus species amazon swords and banana plants. Shout out to species Sunday on fishtankst.v/

Added by Juanarium on May 28, 2013 at 2:17am — 4 Comments

Build Beginnings

This is to be my walstad tank build blog.

My fiancé and I have recently moved and painted and now its time for the aquarium!

I have been doing some digging and have found the "walstad method" which I think has been known in other names for a long time. Anyway, I am intrigued and excited to dirt the tank!

I will be posting pics and perhaps video of the build process, and I have never dirted a tank before so I am open to comments and suggestions. 


I think…


Added by BradnJess on May 26, 2013 at 4:00am — 4 Comments

Water Flow and Current in my 55G

I am having some trouble to get my plants to sway. I have a canister 305 going on full blast and it does about half the tank. I attempted to add a powerhead that does 850GPH..Which is an overkill. I am having trouble getting flow to the other half of my 55.



Have any solutions?


I was possibly thinking about buying a powerhead that is rated for a nono tank maybe 425GPH, or even the Hagen mini filter for flow. If you have any suggestions please…


Added by Anchorboy on May 21, 2013 at 11:29pm — 5 Comments

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Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:59pm 0 Comments

10 Gallon planted Guppy

Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:58pm 0 Comments


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