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White spots on cichlid

Cichid has attitudes. And disease too :-)

Added by Aeroplane1234 on December 10, 2012 at 11:37pm — 6 Comments

Water turning a bright orange!?!

I just set up a new 35 gallon, with dirt... I have about 2 inches of dirt on the bottom covered with about 2 1/2 inches of fine black gravel on top.  I put tons of plants in there (not all at once of course), starting 2 weeks after I set it up.  I had been changing the water day, and the water was doing just fine.  Now... the water is changing to a bright orange color every 2 or 3 days without a water change!  I don't have any wood in there or anything to change the color... What could be…


Added by Katie Gander on December 10, 2012 at 9:45pm — 10 Comments

Struggling plants

Can see some old leafs are deteriorating. Hope new leafs and new roots can grow well.

Added by Aeroplane1234 on December 9, 2012 at 10:11am — 9 Comments

Fish not to keep in dirt...

So I'm guessing that some fish are bad to keep with dirt. Like burrowing species? See I have a spiny peacock eel...awesome fish, love him, but he burrows. See I'm converting my tank to dirt. This coming weekend to be excited!
Do you suggest to give up the eel? I'm okay with it, I'll just exchange him for plants!
Also, any other fish you really shouldn't keep in a dirt tank? I'm aware to stay away from Raphael catfish. Any others?!


Added by Brandon Everett on December 8, 2012 at 11:14am — 1 Comment

What lighting zone am i in????

k so im wondering if im low,med,or high lighting im pretty sure im low but can someone who actually knows help me out? 

so i have a 36 gallon bow front 30"L x 15"W x 21"H

with a zoomed t5ho fixture 30Inch with two bulbs flora,and ultra sun 24 watts and the bulbs are 22" in length so can you tell me what lighting zone im in? 

Added by Austin Graystone on December 5, 2012 at 8:37pm — 1 Comment

Help on planted tank

I plan on upgrading to a 20 gallon tank and want to use my old 10 gallon and aquascaping it.i want to know some good stunning plants but hardy to.i was also thinking java moss.what are some cool ideas for java moss

Added by Zak Souza. on December 5, 2012 at 7:46pm — No Comments

Beard Algae

I have carzy beard algae, not sure why can anyone tell me how to get rid of it. 




Added by Trey English on December 5, 2012 at 7:02pm — 3 Comments

So what about "prewashing" dirt?

I read somewhere that dirt should be repeatedly soaked and squeezed out before adding to a tank to reduce mud.
However I notice that Dustin just dumped the dirt from bag into tank. And suggestions? Thanks!

Added by Brandon Everett on December 5, 2012 at 2:41am — 2 Comments


web site  <--- go ther

Added by ☢quintin☢ (qsa10)_______________ on December 3, 2012 at 10:09pm — 2 Comments

dirt tank

 after setting up and cycle a dirt tank when should i start adding fertilizers and CO2?

 will be using the most popular miracle grow organic potting soil.

Added by damian corona on December 3, 2012 at 3:56pm — 2 Comments

API vs Flourish

whats better for plants, flourish products, or api plant products or if there is something else you prefer let  me know. i just bought api leaf zone and co2 booster and im really liking what its doing 

Added by Austin Graystone on December 2, 2012 at 8:54pm — 2 Comments

So I'm gonna "convert to dirt"...

Hey everyone, I really want to see my tank with awesome live plants but I feel like they will be so much better with dirt! My tanks established for over a year now and I know how to move all my fish and stuff around but I have a few questions regarding dirt.

Basically, I don't know what kind of dirt to use. I guess I could use organic potting soil? Like miracle gro organic choice? I've used that before to plant stuff in like flower pots and it lacks those little fertilizer balls and… Continue

Added by Brandon Everett on December 2, 2012 at 11:27am — 3 Comments

New filter for anyone out here who has a big tank but wants a sponge filter (Dustin)

The "hamburger Matten Filter" is a filter from Germany that is easy to DIY. Check it out

Let me know what you think!

Added by Tyler Musialek on December 1, 2012 at 6:08pm — 4 Comments

Keeping Plants in Brackish Water. A Summary of a 2009 Experiment.

This is a quick summary of an experiment I did in 2009. I find that most plants will survive in salt. You'll likely be surprised at how many common aquarium plants are, to some degree brackish. Most all do tolerate salts to some extent. All those that I listed can do well at the lower end of brackish range... near densities of 1.008-.010 The list below are the ones I have kept (and still keep) in such circumstances: (BW)

Anacharis, Anubias, Bacopa, Cabomba, Hornwort, Water Sprite,…


Added by ŦůRbö ۰ Ҏяѻ ۰ on November 30, 2012 at 5:05pm — 2 Comments

Hhhhhhmmmmmmm what to get?

k so i want some new plants im keeping my water wisteria because its gonig like crazy and is starting to mutate its really cool but i want to get rid of the sword and get either some green green cabomba? valls ? hornwart? idk i just want some epic plant that will grow like fing crazy that my otos will clean and is leafy 

1 oto died recently ( no clue why) so im going to get 4 more so i will have 7 oto cats and ya so what are some cool plants and tell me where to get em.…


Added by Austin Graystone on November 28, 2012 at 11:32pm — 1 Comment

Lighting question

Hey all. Planning my first dirted tank. Loving all the good info on this site. I have a question about lighting. I am planning to buy a 72 gallon aquarium that measures 39w x 25h. It comes with 4 T5ho lights in the hood, and I was wondering if that is too much light. I was planning to do a shorter amount of time for the lights to be on, say 6 hours, but I'm just not sure. I don't want to do CO2.
Any information is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Added by Scott on November 26, 2012 at 10:24am — 5 Comments

What to Feed Gourami Fry?

My Gourami male has started a bubble nest which is now a good size. There is a female in the tank, and if they breed I want to be ready for fry. I've heard that gourami fry are extremely small ad can't eat flake food, so I was wondering what to feed the fry when they do hatch. For my guppies, platys, ad mollies I currently feed their babies Hikari First Bites, the powdered flake food, but I've never had gourami fry before.

Would live baby brine shrimp work?

Added by Ceci L on November 25, 2012 at 3:17pm — 4 Comments

A fat Oto is a happy Oto :)

so my otto cats are all fat from cleaning my tank but yet there is still algae i was wondering can you have more than 4? and my pleco is scared of them lol he is huge but the otos sit on top of him and he flips out and runs away.... i thought plecos where suppose to be fearless 

Added by Austin Graystone on November 22, 2012 at 12:04am — 4 Comments

Going to re-dirt my tank... Need some opinions.

Hey Fishtank TV peeps.

I am thinking about reaquascape my 75 gallon aquarium, and i will be using dirt. I have watched lots of Dustin's and other peoples channels about dirt and have read different forums about it. I found a (what sounds like a good article) from Jordan Matherly on here under forum dirt conversion section. He uses the follow for his dirt mix:…


Added by Jake on November 19, 2012 at 2:40pm — 9 Comments

Rainbow's in my 45 ????

Hello ......  I have a 45gal aquarium that I'm going to drain , add substrate and Aquascape. In this tank I want to put   6 - 10  "Goyder River Rainbowfish"  ONLY  .  The tank is 45gal  (36" X 18" X 12)  >>> Is it big enough for up to 10  Rainbows and maybe a few cory catfish ?????   If you can help - Please reply ,  thanks !!!…


Added by thefisherman15 on November 19, 2012 at 6:00am — 3 Comments

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Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:59pm 0 Comments

10 Gallon planted Guppy

Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:58pm 0 Comments


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